Newborn Feet

Newborn Feet

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Post-partum bump check

Well since I did belly shots throughout my pregnancy I figured it was only fair if I did a postpartum shot thus far!

I am 5 1/2 weeks past delivery and I am feeling *really* good!   The weight is coming off pretty darn easy so far.  I know I am going to hit a plateau pretty soon and then I'll have to start working at the last few pounds I have.   At this point I have 7lbs of the 38lbs left to lose.   Of course before I found out I was pregnant I had a goal of 10lbs that I wanted to lose...... but hey - I'll take what I can get.

So here is what I am currently.
Similar to what I looked like at around 8 weeks........   I just felt a lot bigger then. 

ETA - you can find a comparison shot:    -HERE-    Maybe the weight is all in my boobs (thanks comments!)

I know I still owe a birth story and now it is just getting to be a little fuzzy so I need to do it ASAP - even if it is just for me!!!


  1. You are doing amazing! I can't believe you've almost dropped all the weight. I don't even want to know how much I've gained. And can I just say your boobs look ginormous!

  2. I would say put up a comparison shot because all your left over weight is in your boobs ;)

  3. I would love to read the birth story!!

  4. OMG, I never had boobs that big when I was breast feeding...definitely where a lot of the weight is being held! You look fantastic!!

  5. Damn girl! You look good!:) Keep up the amazing work!

  6. birth story, birth story!!! Tanya


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