Newborn Feet

Newborn Feet

Monday, January 25, 2010

Out of the office -

That was the email response I got back when I emailed my IP liaison today - "Out of the office".  AUGH!

Fortunately there are lots of great people working in the office so I was able to get some of my more recent questions answered, but no update on the potential IP's. 

Depending on when my next AF arrives Mark and I will probably be traveling to LA around the 12 or the 19th of February.   We will probably have to leave early in the morning and have both our psych screening and our medical screenings all done in one day then spend the night (ALONE!) and head home early the next day.   Not only will this be a long day for Mark and I it will also be a challenge for who ever ends up helping us with the kids.  Sheridan has *never* been left over night alone.   While I am sure she will be fine, I am sure there will be a few tears shed.  Mark also isn't too fond of flying......

Oh yes, and I have to wait until all 8+ of my OB's, MW's & RE's have gotten all my records mailed/sent/faxed to the agency so my insurance can be approved so I can do my screening.   Praying that the final two will come through before the beginning of February! 

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